VUCA WORLD: Transformation & Rise of New World Order
Disruption caused by the pandemic & lockdown has pushed the world into realms of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). Product launches and purchases are no longer the same. Industries are feeling the pressure in one way or another. Consequently, the marketing and advertising industry is orienting itself more towards digital marketing to keep pace.
- The sheer ‘viral’ nature of the medium may take a small business from obscurity to unfathomable fame in no time, allowing them to compete with established huge brands.
- Almost all major social media networks, from Instagram to Facebook to YouTube to Snapchat to WhatsApp to Twitter, allow video marketing in some form or another.
Professionally devised marketing programs, presentations, sponsor & investor communications & content marketing is bare essential & pre-requisite to sustain & flourish in this Economic world order which has become a cut-throat market place full of millions of variables as change, challenges & competition.

Sopranos enables emerging businesses to market their products & services to the most prospective & max. Potential customers within shortest possible timeframe to stay ahead of competition. We devise Business Strategies & Marketing programs that create lasting business models.
We create memorable communication that facilitates fast penetration of communication & consumer products in the minds & lifestyles of target audience to leave a lasting impression.
Our business & Communication Programs & Solutions touches consumer life as a invaluable proposition for better & faster adoption of our marketers products in end consumers lifestyle.
Our Marketing communication programs & solutions:
- Envision an Opportunity before it appears on the Horizon
- Lead by Ideas & Innovations
- Strategize Market Entry
- Meet Market Demands of today
- Meet Market Expectations of tomorrow
- Deliver Versatile Content Across Multiple Media formats
- Cutting Edge Creative Solutions beyond Advertising
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Integrated Delivery systems
Our suit of Marketing & Business Communication programs for Emerging Businesses include:
- Business Model
- Business Plan
- Marketing Plan
- Investor Programs
Bespoke Marketing & Business communication encompasses personalized Marketing Programs, Propositions & Presentations such as:
- Bespoke Business Strategies
- Bespoke Business Plans
- Bespoke Business Models
- Bespoke Marketing Strategies
- Bespoke Marketing Plans
- Bespoke Marketing Communication
- Bespoke Brand communication
- Bespoke Corporate communication
- Bespoke Content management
- Bespoke Reputation management
Connected Economy demands Businesses to be logged in and connected 24/7/365 to the Hopes, Aspirations, Dreams, Desires & Demands of Evolving Business Clients & Emerging Consumers.
Commercially sound & legally safe Marketing & Business Communication has the power to unleash the potential to magnify your Business Ideas & Maximize the Marketing Prospects & Business ROI. Pragmatic Plans & proposals create a mutually beneficial & enriching business tie-ups & partnerships sustainable for a lifetime.
Marketing Communication & Business plans that are commercially vetted & legally sound saves a million hassles & let them escape resource traps for Growing Businesses.
Unwise & Unnecessary Obligations, Duties & Liabilities born out of legally unsound & imperfect Business – Strategies, Plans, Proposals, Models, and Commitments via Interpersonal Business Communications & Agreements have heralded the Death knell of many Multi-National Corporations due to Million dollar damages & suits against them.
In Rightfully Tapping & Exploring the Potential Wealth & Immense Value of Perfectly Strategized Marketing & Business Communication!
Prioritize your Investments in Bespoke Marketing & Business Communication Wisely!
Be wary! Be Wise!
Bespoke Marcom!
A robust & efficient business model that is relevant with upcoming trends & tastes as well as economic environment creates an unbeatable business which absorbs & imbibes the disruptions & developments of business evolution.
A business model is a type of high-level plan for your business to operate profitably in the market. The main component of an effective business is its value proposition. This encompasses the description of the products or services offered by the business and why customers would find these appealing.
Value proposition should be stated in such a way that it shows how your products or services stand out from the competition.
Business Model includes target market, marketing strategy, a review of business’ competitors, and projections of the business expenses and revenues. Business model should amply cover & include the funding costs until the business becomes profitable.
It’s important to count costs when introducing a new product or service but this isn’t enough. Business model must make sure that the business keeps on running until its revenues exceed the business expenses. The business model canvas might also contain your definition of opportunities for partnering with established businesses.

Unique business model
Successful businesses created their own unique business models at the beginning of business initiation. This model allowed them to meet the needs of their clients by offering a competitive price while maintaining sustainable costs. As time goes by, business owners need to revise their business model canvas to reflect the changes in market demands and business environments.
Investors and analysts can assess the success of any business model by taking a look at the gross profit of the company. This refers to the total revenue of the company minus the cost of sold goods. When you compare this value to the main competitors, it gives you a good idea of how effective your business model is.
When you have a good gross profit as well lot of room for future growth, profitability & expansion, this suggests that you have a sound business plan.
You can control your Products, services, business interests, Copyrights & IPR through a well-defined & devised Bespoke Professional Business Model far beyond the fate & future of your Business Ventures.
You can ask for a Bespoke Business Model exclusively drafted & developed as per contours of your Business Strategy when you are planning to enter into such an engagement and to know better on what all interests & prospects should be enhanced and safeguarded!
Get an exclusively fitted & customized Business Proposal devised & drafted by professionals as per your unique obligations & duties to adequately safeguard your IP assets & Business interests as well as sufficiently appreciate them tomorrow.
It is always advisable to get an exclusive & professionally devised & drafted bespoke business model personalized as per the terms & contours of your Business strategy to adequately protect your Right, Titles, Interests and Property & Product Offerings tomorrow as well as infuse a healthy dose of trust & transparency to liberate the business venture from all doubts & dilemma today.
Before embarking on an Innovative Business Model to Raise Business Interests & Equity, you must know what you are signing into!
Sign into A Bespoke business model Drafted & Developed just for your valuable & innovative Business offerings to connect it to customer aspirations & unleash its Optimum Business Potential!

A Business’s Marketing Plan lays down the foundation for a practical plan to achieve marketing goals and objectives and defines the marketing strategy that the company will follow throughout the year.
A marketing plan is the Blue print for a corporates advertising and marketing strategies for the year.
We live in an instantly changing world & constantly evolving Economic Ecosystem. So a marketing plan is not necessarily a formal bound & printed document but for Flexibility sake has to be agile & adaptable enough in absorbing rapid changes in on ground reality keeping it open to last minute changes, alterations & adjustments to fit into changed realm of things; but it can be used flexibly, leaving room for updates, alterations, and adjustments due to new found developments & changed circumstances.
As every Visionary Marketing plan has to have enough room for improvisation & maneuvers for it to stand the test of time as well be relevant to new changed environment to be effective & efficient while undertaken for implementation. So some ends are kept loose & free to be tied up at last minute during activation.
It should ideally include sections for past data, future predictions based on analysis and methods to achieve marketing goals in short and long term. A good marketing plan template keeps a sharp eye on the needs of the customers and attends to them using the resources of the organization while making sure there is a reasonable margin of returns as well as well room for sufficient growth prospects. It focuses on both, the strengths and weaknesses of a firm and making the most out of both.