
Turbo-speed Internet
up to 1Gbps **

Get 1 GBPS speed on your demand !!! as u scale up

₹180* / d

Get Leased Line
300MBPS *

The businesses today transact online more than ever.

₹13.5/ d*


Buffer Free Experience !!!

  • Lease Line

    The businesses today transact online more than ever. Even the small businesses should opt for the Best Dedicated internet plans providing high quality leased line services. from 499/-
  • Bandwidth on Demand

    Fastnet Fibre broadband is a type of high-speed broadband which uses fibre optic cables, which are better at transferring data (online gaming, streaming movies and music than standard copper cables. from 399/-
  • Network Security Solutions

    Data Security: Security is an essential element of any data network and thus has to be inherent in any network’s design, and applied thoroughly across the entire network, in order to withstand the advanced, persistent tactics that are now the standard modus operandi of cyber-attackers. from 999/-

Leased Line next generation connectivity

A fibre optic leased line works by sending pulses of light down a pure fibre optic cable, and the data transmitted travels @ SPEED OF LIGHT allowing incredible speed and stability.

  • Next Generation
    Business Lifeline
  • Ultra-speed
  • Fast & Consistent
    Internet Network
  • 24/7/365 Dedicated
    Symmetric Internet Network
  • Fluid Connectivity
  • Pay as much as
    you use on Demand
  • Flexible Tariff Plans
  • Fast Tech
    Support 24/7

Choose your plan

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Easy Surfing

  • Up to 50Mbps
  • Night Turbo-Speed
  • WiFi router
  • Unlimited devices
$24.99 | month


  • 200+ chanels
  • 5 adult chanels
  • TV-Box
  • Unlimited rooms
$18.00 | month
Internet + TV

Home Comfort

  • Up to 100Mbps
  • 200+ chanels
  • WiFi router
  • Unlimited devices
$37.99 | month
Internet + TV + Phone

Premium Plan

  • Up to 1000Mbps
  • 250+ chanels
  • WiFi router and TV Box
  • Phone
$49.00 | month

Check ability to connect our services in your area


    What our clients say

    Kunal Shah

    "Good to bring so much value to our product portfolio and bring it around with right market fit. They turned us around during lockdown. They know the consumer market better than most. Great going"

    Amish Trivedi

    Sopranos guys really know our business very well. Their insights and strategy did wonders for us. First time we got to know how to market & where to market. Rest they did it with Aplomb

    Anita Lal

    Wonderful experience of working with Sopranos. They helped us prioritise our money's after perfect marketing plans and executed them quite well. Pleasure

    Kritika Shah

    Sopranos made lot of difference to our marketing and market value over last decade. I wish to plan our export marketing campaign as we launch our European business soon.

    Amanda Mohan

    It's been 7 yrs of collaborating with Sopranos. Lot to learn and grow with them. They revitalised our business marketing so much we grew almost 9-10 times over decade. Kudos

    Fluid Connectivity
    Bandwidth on Demand

    In this age of cloud networking and content hosting, the need is of a network that adapts and accommodates bandwidth capacities as and when needed beyond the constraints of static connectivity

    • Free WiFi router included

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